Gent Sejdiu – Executive Director
Licenced (First grade A) Appraiser for Real Estate properties & Real Estate Sales Financing Consultant
He possesses a wealth of Real Estate sales management experience and proven ability of successful sales and business development. Since 2008 has being working for Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo and Raiffeisen Leasing Kosovo as Real Estate leasing and Mortgage sales manager. Responsible for developing, launching and promoting the Real Estate leasing and Mortgage products in to the Kosovo market.
Trainings and Recognitions :
Licenced Appraiser for Real Estate Properties
Licenced Insurance Broker
Managment in Practice
PI Sales Training
Licenced Sales Trainer
Premium Banking Training
Licenced Premium Banking Trainer
General Train –the – Trainer
Licenced Train the Trainer
AFAS- Modules: Understanding of Financial Statements and Financial Statements Analysis
QGIS and Kosovo Geoportal trainig during at ESLG
Project Managment in Practice
Perfomance Managment Training