Valuation and Advisory Services
We will adopt rigid reporting and approval processes and our ability to draw on the resources available through our local network of research analysts and industry specialists , which will allow us to really add value to our clients, rather than simply report it.
We will be working closely with our partners RE Developers which will ensure us that we get market led pricing.
KRG will provide client-focused professional support, with specific points of contact that ensure a seamless and professional service also we will adopt rigid standards of professionalism.
By communicating with our clients transparently and clearly, our primary objective is to add value rather than simply report it. Working across all commercial property asset types, the team will cater for administrative, compliance and valuation requirements ensuring that reports are generated efficiently and to a set timetable.
Our comprehensive reports can be prepared for a variety of purposes including:
- Loan security
- Year-end accounts and cash flow analysis
- Unit pricing
- Sales and acquisitions
- Corporate recovery
- Flotation’s and securitizations
- Management buy-out
- Takeovers and mergers
- Litigation and compensation
- Insurance valuations